Air Conditioning & Heating in Santa Barbara County

YORK® Gas Furnace Installation in Santa Barbara

Start looking forward to winter with a high-performance YORK® gas furnace. Featuring AFUE efficiency levels as high as 95%, you’ll be saving money while enjoying a new level of comfort – all season long. That’s because your high-efficiency YORK® furnace will keep your warm in winter while also keeping air moving in the summer.

Robust, time-tested construction ensures your YORK® furnace will be providing efficient, quiet and remarkably consistent airflow for years to come.

Comfort on Every Level

The latest heating systems offer greater energy efficiency and the chance to save money from monthly heating bills. We can provide you with a free estimate so you can choose from the latest York heating systems available today and enjoy expert advice and guidance on each system’s energy efficiency rating, output, reliability, warranty and features.

Ulta-Low NOx Gas Furnaces

York’s ultra low NOx gas furnaces can reliably heat your home while significantly reducing emissions that contribute to smog, acid rain, water quality deterioration and more.

YP9C 98% Modulating Gas Furnace

The most advanced, most efficient furnace we offer.
Efficiency RangeUp to 98% AFUE
Sound LevelsBest
WarrantiesLifetime heat exchanger, 10-year parts

TL9E 95% AFUE Single Stage Ultra Low NOx Furnace

High efficiency and ultra-low emissions.
Efficiency Range95% AFUE
Sound LevelsBest
Warranties20-year heat exchanger, 10-year parts, 5-year Complete Assurance™

TL8E 80% AFUE Single Stage, Ultra-Low NOx Furnace

High efficiency and ultra-low emissions.
Efficiency RangeUp to 80% AFUE
Sound LevelsBest
Warranties20-year heat exchanger, 10-year parts, 5-year Complete Assurance™